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SSAPro 2012. In sales and purchases invoices, the lines to enter your info are now highlighted black. Cannot see what I am entering into those columns until I go to the next item. Been going crazy trying to find a way out of this. Can someone help? Please.
Hi Terry
Your columns are black in purchases and sales journal.
Try widening the calums. just like a excel spreadsheet.
once its widened to allow full text it might fix it.
we moved and want to change the address on orders and invoices. Please advise how to do this.
Hi Glenn
You moved and want to update the address on your invoices.
From home screen, go to Setup – Reports & Forms.
From the side menu choose invoices.
and click on Customize Invoices.
here you can make all your changes and save in a file that you can retrieve again.
Once completed and saved, go back to Setup – Reports & Forms – Invoices.
in the From section choose the file you just saved so the system knows where the form is saved in.
Remember to do the same in the email section as well.
Hope this helped.
I am using Simply Accounting Pro 2011 and have two different companies on this software. My question is if I create a backup or accountants copy will it include both companies? Or just the company file I am in? The reason I am asking is when I create the accountants copy or back up it has two accounting files in it.
Hi Lorne
You want to create a backup for one company.
The system should recognize the company data that your in and from the home screen go to File – Backup.
The system should only backup the data that you are in and not both companies.
unless you have both companies on one data file.
I don’t think you have that.
hope this helps.
need to deduct FRO payments from employees cheque but there isn’t a box on paycheque area for another deduction, how do I get another deduction area to appear??
Hi Melody
You want to add a FRO payment to payroll.
I did up a tutorial and hope it will help.
click on the link below or copy and paste into URL.
Let me know if you have any other questions.
I have a number out of order in CAO. How do I correct
Hi Roger
is the number that is out of order in the chart of accounts.
I am not sure what CAO stands for.
I will send you a link to a tutorial on chart of account set up.
hope this will help.
please click on the link below or copy and paste it into the URL. (the address of a World Wide Web page.
“type a URL into a browser’s address bar”)
We are using 2013 version.
Can you please tell me how do I clear/fix an outstanding “Transfer to shareholder” amount that was entered after bank was reconciled. It shows as an “outstanding withrawl’ but “unresolved amount” is at 0.00. It consistently shows in monthly account reconciliation reports.
I wat to set up a small business that does not have payroll how can I not have that module -used to be able to select modules but can’t seem to remember how I did that
Hi Jeanne
you want to hide the payroll module.
From the top drop down the Setup menu
choose User Preferences
choose View from the side menu
and you should be at Modules and Icon windows
hope this helped.
I’m setting up sales taxes for an NPO – half the federal portion of the HST (2.5%) and a part of the provincial portion (6.56%) need to be recorded on the expense invoices as this is the refundable portion. (They don’t charge tax out). I have the tax codes set up but what do I do about having both calculate on an expense invoice?
On the invoices I can only choose one code so that’s not what I need.
If I combine the codes into one, how do I keep them separate in the GL?
Thanks – Sage 50 Premium 2018.0
Hi Jennifer
the taxes are being split and you need to show it separately on GL.
one way of doing it is not to choose the tax code.
in the body of the invoice enter the tax amount and issue the tax account number manually.
if the total tax is $20. ($20 x 2.5% and $20.x 6.56%)
enter each amount manually in the purchase journal and post to each tax account.
Hope this helped.
Hi Jennifer
I made a tutorial and hope that it will help with the tax splitting.
click on the link or copy and paste in the URL.
I purchased a new company truck. I printed out a monthly amortization schedule.
I do my entry as follows:
2620 Truck Loan – Principal
5687 Long Term Interest – Interest
1060 Chequing Bank Account – Payment
How do I enter the HST paid on the monthly payment, which is included in the monthly payment?
Hi Gwen
You purchased a new truck. congrats.
is this truck a lease or a purchase?
If its a lease – your monthly payments would include GST/HST
if its a purchase the total amount of GST/HST would be on your bill of sale.
to enter the monthly lease payment:
Debit expense account in the 5— series accounts for ex: $900.
Debit GST/HST on purchases for $117.(13%)
Credit Bank account for $1013.00
To enter the monthly loan payment:
Debit Truck loan for ex: $700.
Debit Interest on Truck Loan ex: $100.
Credit bank for $800.
hope this helps.
I have received an invoice from a vender and I posted it as a purchase to be paid later. (I usually will issue a cheque) However this time I use a credit card to pay the invoice, problem is when I post it as paid by a credit card it does not show up on the visa card account in the payables.
When I go to make a credit card payment it is less than the payment I am trying to make
Hi Jonna
your trying to balance the credit card and its short by supplier payment.
pull up the original entry and look to see what bank or credit card account was used.
Chances are that another account has been credited by this entry.
So instead of the credit card liability account be affected maybe the bank account is affected.
check the general ledger bank account and see if you can find it in there.
you can adjust the entry and point the credit to the credit card payment account.
hope this helped.
I need to adjust the cash account since my simply was not working well with Windows 10. But I don’t know/understand if I should credit the cash and debit ???. These accounts have all been paid (4,551.40 including HST) but they show as outstanding. Some are from a couple of years ago.
Hi Iona
A transaction posted to cash account can not be adjusted.
But try this:
drop down the Reports menu
Journal Entries
report by: Date
enter the date that the transaction would fall on.
click on the transaction and the original cash account should show up and see if you can X delete it from here.
going forward try not to use the cash account. always create the supplier or the customer.
Hope this helped.
Hi Ellis
You need to correct Cash Account.
I made up a short tutorial and hope it will help.
click on the link below and copy it into the URL.
I have a question regarding Simply 2007. When rolling over the year end to a new year I accidently rolled over the year twice. So now I can only enter entries for 2020. Is there a fix for this?
Hi Martin
Simply Accounting is rolled over two years instead of one year.
you cant change it unless you have a backup or have made an archive copy of the data.
if you have a back up – restore it and start over again and roll over to next year.
if you made an archive copy, open the data and move it into the next year.
hope this helped.
Thanks for your reply to my problem Nooshin. I do have a back-up of 2019 files on a memory stick. How would I go about restoring the files and start over again? As you can probably tell I’m somewhat “simply challenged” when it comes to this stuff.
I am posting invoices for May month and sometimes I get a message saying:
There is no journal entry created from this transaction, if posted, any inventory quantities will be updated but the invoice cannot be adjusted later. Do you wan to continue.
Hi Bonita
your posting May invoices and it give you an inventory error.
To post this entry without an error the total must equal the invoice. For example if the grand total is zero the entry will update the inventory quantity but a journal entry will not be posted.
Another way to check is to click on Reports at the top of the payable screen and choose Display Purchase Journal Entry.
This entry will show how and to what accounts the entry is being posted to.
One thing is not post if a journal entry is not posted.
My 8.5 Simply Accounting will not let me save as for the next month’s entries. It was fine until I wanted to do June 2019, that is the year-end for my client. Any suggestions on how to “get around” this issue
Hi Pat
you want to save transactions to next month.
There could be 2 issues.
1 – Simply has to be checked off in order to post transaction in the future.
if that is the case on the home screen drop down Setup – Settings – Company – System.
in this screen you have the ability to setup transaction to be posted in the future and past.
2 – if this not the issue – you mentioned June 2019 being the fiscal year end for your client.
A transaction can not be posted into July 2019 until the company has been rolled over into next fiscal year.
once that is done than you can post entries.
note: save an archive copy of your data is a good idea or back up before rolling over to next year.
hope this helped.
Hello I hope you can help me. I am starting up a bookkeeping service and I need to know do I have to have a simply program for each client or can I set up everyone on the one program? Really appreciate any help you can provide me.
Hi Marie
For sure, you can run as many companies as you like on a single sage software.
Drop down the File menu on home screen and New Company.
it will take you through some steps and your ready to go.
Now you can create a chart of account from scratch for allow Sage to create on for you.
hope this helped.
Can a Sage/Simply user run multiple companies on the software?
Hi Marie
You can run multiple companies on Sage software.
I am a bookkeeper and I run over 50 companies on my Sage.
On home screen click on file – new company and go through the steps.
Hope this helped.
Hi Nooshin
Thank you for your advice really appreciate the help. I have another question for you, how can I add a new payment method in the drop down PAID BY and PAID FROM as it only gives me the option of cash, cheque and direct deposit in the PAID BY and in the PAID FROM it only lists my cash, chequing and savings account and I need to add credit card as a method of payment.
I was wondering if anyone can help me regarding setting up projects in Sage 50 Premium? First I need to know how to find projects as it is not on the open screen and I have looked in settings but don’t see it?????
I am trying to setup my sales commission employees as projects so that I can allocate the sale when creating an invoice. And at the end of the month I want to be able to print each project report for each salesperson so I can see exactly how much each sales rep has sold and to whom.
My question is concerning Simply Accounting Enterprise 2010.
I’m new to this program and rolled over 2 years not knowing that I cannot go back to previous year.
I have to update company transactions from January 1, 2019, but I can go back only to July 1, 2019.
I dont have back up or archive files.
Is any solution for this?
Hi Anna
you need to go back 2 years and post transactions.
What you can do is post the entries at far back as you can and anything related to the expense account post it to Retained Earnings.
If you post it to the expense account it will be duplicated and the expenses will fall on your current income statement.
and let your accountant know what happened so they will consider it in the year end tax filing.
its a good idea to backup regularly and take the backup off premises for an extra safety.
Hi. I use sage 50 pro 2018. When I try to start new calendar year it won’t let me. It’s shaded grey. My fiscal end was Aug 31.
Hi Marco
your having issues with advancing to next fiscal year.
try this – start your company as is and at the home page drop down the Setup menu at the top of screen – Settings – Company than Information.
your at the company settings where you have the company name, address ect.
On the right hand side shows the “Current year dates” and below shows the “Historical financial year dates”.
Take a look at the dates, should be in numerical order, year after year, note that there are not two years being advanced.
I am hoping that something will pop up to help fix the problem. I am just trouble shooting with out seeing what the system is doing.
Let me know what you find and if I can assist further.
Happy new year.
When posting an invoice, an error message comes up saying “invalid date, date must be …and shows previous fiscal year dates. Prior to this I’ve closed the fiscal year and a calendar year and it was ok when I posted general entries and receipts into the current year. I only get the error message when trying to post an invoice. What could be causing this?
Hi Judy
Invalid date warning shows up if the session date is not todays date or the settings indicated not to post an entry past a certain number of days.
Go to: Setup – Settings – Company – System and note that the area “Do not allow transactions dated before …” is set properly.
and or “Allow transactions in future” is set properly.
otherwise this could be a software issue for 2021 and will be corrected in the next release.
I have simply accounting on an older computer Windows Vista Home Premium. It was working fine until 2021, I changed the session date. I entered a few items and went to check a report and it says the date is invalid but it’s not. Where do I go from here?
Hi Helen
There is a date issue with simply accounting.
Sage is very date sensitive. so first thing to check is what the session date is.
Ex: if the session date is Jan 7, 2020 and the report is Jan 1 to Jan 30 2020. the system will give an error because the session date is set at Jan 7, 2020.
Hope that works. let me know if I am not understanding the question.
Hi I’m using Sage 50 2017.3. I just started a new fiscal year and everything appears OK the session date in the top right hand corner has today’s date 7 Jan 21, but when I try to print an invoice I get a pop up stating that I cannot enter a date past 31 Dec 2020. Do you have any suggestions?
Hi Rob
Sage is date sensitive.
When you advanced into the new fiscal year did you type in Jan 7,2021?
The system wants you to type Jan 1, 2021 and than once the roll over is complete and your in the new fiscal year than advance to today’s date.
Another thing you can check: go to Setup (top of home page) – Settings – Company – Information. double check the fiscal years are correct.
Also check session date by going to Maintenance menu (top of home page) and choose Change session date. this is to check and make sure the session date is correct.
if all of these look ok. my only suggestion is to open the 2020 set of data and start the new fiscal year again. take it slow and when it asks for date put in Jan 1, 2021 and once you have advanced to the new fiscal year go to Maintenance and Change session date inside the program.
hope this helped. Let me know if you have any other questions.
I have Simply Pro 12 which I have used for years. My year end in March 31. Today, Jan 11, I wanted to print the report for the checks I have already written in 2021 from Jan 1 to Jan 11th. I get the message ” Invalid date. Must be between 01/01/21 and 01/11/21.” That’s what I had entered.
Hi Edythe
check what you session date is.
Simply is very date sensitive. do this:
drop down the Maintenance menu at the top of the home page and choose Change Session Date.
Maybe the system is stuck in a old date or even a date into the future.
see what date it pops up and than change it to Jan 11, 2021.
Hope this will work.
Hi. I am using Sage Simply Accounting Pro 2012 Release C ( I just changed to a new year using Maintenance, Start New Year. I have changed it to 2021, and now when I want to post an entry it comes up with an error code
“Invalid Date. The date must be between 01/01/20 and 31/12/20”.
How do I fix this so I can post my entries?
Hi Lana.
Try this.
From the home page, drop down the Maintenance menu and choose Change Session Date.
I don’t know what the session date will be, make a note of it, and change the session date to reflect the first day of the new fiscal year.
Than try to post entries and see if it will accept.
Hope this heled.
When I went into my new year 2021. Everything seemed to proceed okay except now I get “Invalid Date. The Start Date must be between 01-01-21 to 12-01-21/” This is the date that I am imputing into the computer.
Hi Keith.
Try this.
From the home page, drop down the Maintenance menu and choose Change Session Date.
I don’t know what the session date will be, make a note of it, and change the session date to reflect the first day of the new fiscal year.
Than try to post entries and see if it will accept.
Hope this heled.
I too ran into this problem and found the fix on another site. There’s a bug in the program for Sage versions 2018 and earlier. Here’s the solution from Sage City.
“Change your date format to a four-digit year in both the short and long date options of Sage 50. Setup, Settings, Company, Date Format.
This is an issue with two-digit year formats used in Sage 50 2018 and earlier as they move to 2021. The program prefixes the year with 19 for years /21 and higher when it has to guess.
It has been fixed in 2019 and higher year versions.”
My accountant had the computer for 2 days and said they could do nothing with it but I should call Sage. Since I do not have any employees I had no reason to upgrade for wages every year. I tried your fix John and now I have Simply back working. Thank you so much John.
John F.
Thank you for your fix! I have been trying for days to get this issue sorted out, the accountant said there was nothing I could except switch to Quickbooks. So very happy now – even more so when I re-enter from Dec. 23.20 to the present.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! I have been working on this for almost a week, and searching the internet for an answer. Tried what you said, and it worked! Thank again!
I am using Simply Accounting 2010. My accountant has given me the Adjusting Journal Entries to post for the year-end December 31, 2019. Do I post those before advancing my year-end to December 31, 2020? Or do I advance my year-end to Dec. 31/20, and post the Adjusting Journal Entries under Jan. 01/20? Thank you.
Hi Jennifer
the year end for your company is December 31,2019.
You can advance into next fiscal year and post entries and while in that set of data back date the accountants year end journal entries to Dec 31, 2019. the system will give a warning but accept it.
All the entries will update Dec 31, 2019 year end financials as well as Jan 1, 2020 business year financials will be updated.
Note: if you have not advanced to Jan 1, 2020 and are still in Dec 31, 2019 date, by all means, post all the accountant year end entries and than advance to Jan 1, 2020.
Hope this helped.
Hi. I tried this and it doesn’t change anything. I believe the software is set up to fail….. I contacted my Sage rep and they just want to sell new programming. Thank you for your help, looks like I am forced to spend $$$$.
Dearest John F,
Your fix has fixed my problem……..THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!! I hope all people visit this site, it is fantastic!